Discoveries from the Week

Hey Everyone,

Just a quick note today as I spent most of the morning writing up my recap of The E-Myth Revisited.

Birthdays in La Jolla

I spent most of the week down in San Diego taking in the sun and surf of La Jolla in celebration of my 33rd birthday and my dad's 70th birthday.  It was great to get away for a few days and spend some time reading books and getting crushed by waves. 😂  I caught a couple but definitely spent more time underneath those waves than I did on top of them.

What I'm Working On

I have a few projects in the pipe, the biggest of which are a PCT intro video and some more music.  With the PCT nearly a month away, I'm really digging into the planning.  I've got a few more test hikes coming: Lost Coast, Mt. Shasta, and Windy Hill, so hopefully I'll have some insights to share from those adventures.

Netflix Recommendation

White Tiger - A rich Indian family's ambitious driver uses his wit and cunning to escape from poverty and rise to the top as an entrepreneur.  The movie really shines with excellent writing and fascinating narrative.  There's a pretty emotional plot twist, but better to go through it on your own.  Below are 4 quotes I really liked from that movie.

Rich men are born with opportunities they can waste.

If only a man can spit his past out so easily.

This was at least two years salary, maybe three. I was worth more.

There are only two ways to get to the top, crime or politics.

🍻 Keegan